
Participants will stand at the start line in pairs. Each runner will have their pistol holstered and on safe as well as a pack/rig to carry all loaded magazines for the event. Runners will be started by airhorn. Participants will carry their pistol holstered throughout the run, only removing the pistol from the holster while on the range during a course of fire.

Finish Line

Participants’ times will be stopped and they will be cleared once more by Rough Gunner cadre of any additional ammunition. Only after being fully cleared may any runner move to the refreshments table or any other place in the finishing area.

Absolutely no firearms are allowed back onto the course upon completion of the run and at no time can any spectator carry a firearm anywhere at the Elk River Training Center.


  • Misses during the shooting portions will be assessed at the end of the run at the rate of: +5 seconds/miss.
  • Rounds unfired still left on the runner at the end of the course will incur a penalty of: +5 seconds per round left.
  • Circumventing any obstacle without an attempt to complete the obstacle will incur a penalty of: +60 seconds per obstacle.
  • Circumventing any obstacle with ample attempt to complete the obstacle will incur a penalty of: +30 seconds per obstacle.